Nagpur Metro And NHAI Establishes New Standard For Building Longest Two layer Flyover
Nagpur Metro has effectively made a Guinness World Record by building the longest two layer viaduct (metro) is 3,140 meters and was accomplished by the Wardha Street in Nagpur.
The two layer viaduct of 3.14 km on Wardha Street has three metro stations – Chhatrapati Nagar, Jai Prakash Nagar and Ujjwal Nagar. These stations require exceptional arranging which are station well defined for meet the useful necessities of the metro appropriately consolidating site explicit limitations and two layer viaduct prerequisites. The designing manner of thinking, idea, plan and execution of these stations are something like a test.
At first, the arrangement of the thruway flyover and metro rail were on same existing interstate on Wardha Street, with free wharfs at exchanging areas proposed on the middle. This was subsequently checked on and chosen to incorporate Parkway Flyover and Metro Rail to shape a two layer viaduct.
Two layer viaduct conveys thruway flyover at the primary level and Metro Rail at second level making it a three-level transportation framework with the current interstate at ground level. This aided in staying away from extra land securing hence saving area cost and lessening development time and task cost.
Association Clergyman of Street Transport and Roadways, Nitin Gadkari cheered the work of Nagpur Metro and tweeted,” Another feather in the cap ! Heartiest Congrats to Group NHAI and Maha Metro on accomplishing the Guinness Book of World Record in Nagpur by building the longest Two layer Viaduct (3.14 KM) with Roadway Flyover and Metro Rail Upheld on single section.”
“The venture has proactively packed away records from Asia Book and India Book. Presently getting this famous honor is to be sure a pleased second for us. I generously thank and salute the mind blowing Specialists, Officials and Laborers who persisted nonstop to get this going,” Nitin Gadkari said in another tweet.
“The two layer viaduct of 3.14 km on the Wardha Street in Nagpur, Maharashtra was dispatched by Metro Rail traffic on 5 Walk 2019 and for Roadway traffic, on 13 November 2020, is the Longest Two layer Viaduct on any Metro Rail framework,” as per an assertion by the Guinness World Records, London.