Vellore District Central Co-operative Bank woman manager Uma Maheshwari, who was already arrested in the case of misappropriation of Rs 97 lakhs for giving loans to women self-help groups in Kudiatham, has been dismissed.
The General Manager of Vellore District Central Co-operative Bank had obtained the order for this.
In the year 2018, in the Vellore Central Cooperative Bank, which is operating in Kudiatham, it was confirmed that 97 lakhs of rupees were misappropriated.
Following this, the branch manager Uma Maheshwari was arrested. It was revealed during the audit that he had prepared fake documents and pretended to give loans and handled money amounting to 97 lakh rupees.
In 2018, a fraud took place in a bank operating in Kudiatham.
Uma Maheshwari was arrested by Vellore Commercial Crime Branch police on May 23 and jailed based on the complaint of Co-operative Deputy Registrar Arudperunjodi. He was subsequently suspended.
Recently Uma Maheshwari was out on bail, and the General Manager of Vellore District Central Co-operative Bank has ordered to remove her permanently.
Also, Co-operative Bank officials said that the public should not contact Uma Maheshwari regarding the bank.